about us | Team

Meet our TEam

Quirky Kid® is a child psychology clinic and publishing house based in Australia. We work with parents, schools and clinics around the world to improve children’s social and emotional wellbeing. Our award-winning tools and resources have had a positive impact on children in more than 30 countries.

backgroundZoe Barnes
Zoe Barnes

Zoe Barnes

Content Writer

Zoe Barnes has been a professional writer for two decades working with numerous companies in various fields to assist with their content creation. Zoe is currently based in Sydney, Australia where she enjoys spending her time creating memorable content while also balancing family life with two young children.

Zoe has a passion for creating content related to psychology and in particular children and families where she enjoys providing them with insightful information that will assist them in overcoming difficulties and thrive.

As a content writer for Quirky Kid, Zoe looks forward to applying her love of writing and passion for psychology to assist families with evidence-based insightful topics and tips to help educate them on building their social and emotional skills, deal with life challenges, overcome academic obstacles and strengthen relationships.


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