We are proud to announce that the Australian Publisher Association (APA) has just accepted our membership application. This is an important milestone for Quirky Kid.
Most of you already know that The Quirky Kid Clinic is also a niche publishing house. Our focus is on practical and creative social-emotional resources aimed at children, adolescent and families. Our portfolio includes 6 resources, like The Face It Cards and The How to be a Friend book and 1 program, The Power Up Program and many more are on the way (see our online shop for all resources)
The Quirky Kid resources are currently sold and distributed in Australia, Canada, Singapore and the USA. Over 5000 copies were already sold to professionals word-wide. We count with the fantastic support of The Australian Centre for Educational Research (ACER) in Australia. (see 52 Stories for more).
For the second time, we've attended the Frankfurt Book Fair; in 2013 however, joined the collective stand of the APA as we aim to increase the reach of our resources. (See review of Quirky Kid Resources in the USA). We have now confirmed our attendance to the Bologna book fair were we hope to network, display and launch our newest resource - The Best of Friends workbook and program.
We are committed to our publishing projects and have a lot of surprises for you during 2014.
About the APAThe Australian Publishers Association (APA) is the peak industry body for Australian book, journal and electronic publishers. Established in 1948, the association is an advocate for all Australian publishers: large or small; commercial or non-profit; academic or popular; locally or overseas owned. Over the years the APA has grown into an organisation of considerable influence. From modest beginnings and a membership of twenty, the Association now has over 216 members and represents 91% of the industry, based on turnover.