
Quirky Kid Resources Review


Leonardo Rocker


5 Mar


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Our colleagues to ACER have recently requested for user's reviews of the Quirky Kid Resources. The outcome has just bee published at the ACER Interact Website. A diverse range of professionals and user  were involved during this review process and included professionals like Dr. Sue Roffey, Canadian Social Worker Roz Wall, Parent Lee-Ann Tait, and Well Being Teacher Meg Wright.

Visit: to read the reviews.

You can see ACER's announcement about Quirky Kid Resources below:The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) is proud to announce a formal distribution partnership with Quirky Kid Resources. ACER has recently acquired the rights to distribute the beautiful range of cards and other resources that have been designed and published by the Quirky Kid team.Eirini Lammi, ACER psychology consultant was extremely impressed with the uniqueness of the Quirky Kid Resources and the instant appeal they have with people working with children and adolescents in schools, health services and the wider community.The value of these cards is in the exceptional care and thought taken to capture a practical and distinctive range of feelings and emotions that will have instant appeal to children and adolescents. Each card is powerful and thought provoking that will stimulate discussion and conversation.These resources are certainly one of a kind. Nothing on the market comes close to the value of these resources in working with children and adolescents. Recent customer comments from an ACER Institute Seminar include, "these cards are beautiful" and "I've never seen anything like them."

You can order our resources online at or directly with ACER

Quirky Kid Resources Review