
Goal Setting

Setting goals and working out the steps needed to reach them are key skills that set children on the path to success. This lesson teaches children a simple yet powerful technique to define and achieve their goals.

Stripe Element


Learn how to set specific goals to improve performance.

To get where you want to go, you need to take steps one at a time to bring you closer to your goals. It’s important to plan ahead, have a timeframe for when, where, and how you will work on your goals, and keep track of your progress. Try to make goals that are very specific and small. The video above will share a simple, useful, and powerful technique to define and manage your goals. Use the video in combination with your workbook.

Goal Setting

Goals for good performance should be specific. Goals can relate to a particular skill or technique, or they may relate to an attitude or habit you wish to change, such as your sleeping or eating habits. It helps to work backward. Determine your future goals and then work out what you need to do each week.

The most helpful goals focus on WHAT you can do and HOW you can do it. It doesn’t help to focus on things like "winning" because it doesn’t tell you anything about what you can actually DO to move closer to your goals. It’s also important to include a WHEN as it helps to commit to a timeframe.

Using the Bullseye tool

Using the Bullseye tool can help you work out what you need to work on. The video above and your workbook will explain the Bullseye tool, so you can use it to make specific goals.

It’s important to be SMART about goal setting. The most effective goals are those that follow the SMART framework, which recommends that goals are: Specific (focus on the details), Measurable (so you can keep track of your progress over time), Achievable (goals you know you can reach), Realistic (not so easy that you don’t need to put in any effort, and not too hard so you won’t ever reach them), and have a Timeframe (so you know when you need to achieve them by).

The action plan template will make it easier for you to plan your goals. It will also allow you to review your actions, ensure they make sense, and assist you in achieving your goals.

Your support team

You probably count on many adults to finance, manage, and provide transportation for your events or training. It is important that your entire support network is recognized. This will assist you in having a genuine understanding of the commitment and effort required by your team, not just yourself. Being able to express appreciation and gratitude can help you stay grounded.

This is especially important when you are away from home or in the spotlight. Knowing the people who are on your team can also boost your sense of well-being and confidence, as well as motivate you to do your best.

You will be invited to map, acknowledge, and show appreciation for your entire support network. Keep in mind that some members may be less obvious than others.

For Kids

About this course

Performance goals should be specific. They can relate to a particular skill or technique, or an attitude or habit you wish to change. This lesson will teach you how to:

  • Determine your future goals and then work out the steps you need to take each week to reach them
  • Focus on WHAT you can do, HOW you can do it and WHEN you will accomplish it
  • Use the Bullseye tool and the SMART framework to set your goals
  • Develop an action plan
  • Map, acknowledge and show appreciation for your support team.

Goal setting is a crucial aspect of performance psychology, particularly for children. By setting specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound goals, children can break down their larger aspirations into manageable tasks and monitor their progress over time. This not only helps to enhance their motivation and focus, but also provides a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment as they work towards achieving their goals. Overall, goal setting is an essential tool for children in performance psychology programs, helping them to enhance their performance and achieve their full potential.

This lesson includes a seven-minute video and a downloadable document. It can be used on its own or as part of the Power Up performance psychology program that contains six lessons.

Getting Started

To purchase this course, you will first have to create an account with Quirky Kid. Create your account and verify your email to complete your purchase.


Introduction to Goal Setting

Learn how to set specific goals to improve performance.

Locations and dates

Session dates to be announced.

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$ 19.95 AUD

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