Youth Mental Health Forum @ Sydney Uni

Dr. Kathryn Berry, clinical psychologist at The Quirky Kid Clinic recently presented at The Rotaract Club of USYD and the Psychology Society (Psyche) of USYD, forum event that focused on bringing awareness to the issues surrounding young people's mental health. It aimed to address the overarching themes, ‘why should we care?’ and ‘how can we help?’
Below images from the Event
[gallery columns="4" ids="|Dr Kathryn Berry,|,|,|"]
The event took the form of a Q&A panel consisting of five panellists from a variety of backgrounds and experiences in mental health. The forum kicked off with an introductory presentation from Terry Kirkpatrick, Deputy CEO of the Mental Health Association of NSW and concluded with a short presentation from representatives from USYD’s Counselling and Psychological Services (CAPS).
Images © Rotaract club of USYD and the Psyche Society of USYD.
Update Oct 9th 2013: Note From Dr Kathryn Berry:
It was a great honour to be a part of the Youth Mental Health Forum organised by the Psychology Society and The Rotaract Club at the University of Sydney. The enthusiasm and interest from the students was fantastic and it was evident that the topic of mental health is very much a relevant, meaningful and current concern for our youth. The awareness and healthy debate raised through the forum was certainly a refreshing, insightful and valuable experience.

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