Moriah College Joins The Best of Friends

Recently, the Quirky Kid Clinic worked with school staff from Year 5 at Moriah College in Sydney to facilitate the popular 'The Best of Friends’ in the classroom setting.
This 6 weeks program covered areas such as Making Friends, Social Skills, Empathy, Compromise, and Peacemaking in friendships. Students participated in a range of activities including painting, play dough, role play, and multimedia presentations while discussing the finer points of friendship and playground issues.
Each child was given a “Quirky Kid Tool Kit” including materials for the day as well as making use of the Quirky Kid Resources. Information sheet for parents were provided so they could also help their children to build social skills.
We are very satisfied with parental and school feedback on the positive outcomes the workshop has achieved so far.
Moriah Colleague Principal and Teaching staff were incredibly supportive and showed great commitment toward students social development.
- If you would like some information on ‘The Best of Friends™ workshop for your child’s classroom, please contact us on 02 9362-9297
- This program has been present in many schools around Sydney like, St Thomas, St Catherine's School and others. We also run our workshops in in Sydney, Wollongong, and Melbourne.

Start now and implement a Quirky Kid Program at your school or clinic.
Our programs includes an interactive workbooks and concise set of engaging award-winning materials to facilitate social and emotional learning (SEL).