Raised on Praise @ The Hills Grammar


Leonardo Rocker

Raised on Praise @ The Hills Grammar

As part of a transition to Kindergarten program, parents of future Kindy students at The Hills Grammar School in Sydney, have been invited to participate in the Raised on Praise workshop by The Quirky Kid Clinic.

Parents  will learn how to develop an optimistic, fair and consistent parenting  approach with an emphasis on praise. Learn to identify family factors in  need of focus and develop reasonable rules and considered consequences  in this very practical workshop.Participants  will be encouraged to  reflect on the challenges of parenthood and to  explore their parenting  style from their child’s point of view. Current  research in the field  of positive parent-child relationships will be reviewed, combined with  activities designed for participants to experience the effective use and  over-use of praise.

Kimberley O'Brien, Principal Child  Psychologist at Quirky Kid, will facilitate the workshop with the  support of Corina Vogler, Provisional Psychologist at Quirky Kid

Raised on Praise is also offered in the clinical setting. Visit our workshop page to find out the next date. If you would like to arrange a workshop for parents or students at your school, please contact us on 02 9362 9297.


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Start now and implement a Quirky Kid Program at your school or clinic.

Our programs includes an interactive workbooks and concise set of engaging award-winning materials to facilitate social and emotional learning (SEL).

Raised on Praise @ The Hills Grammar
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