Power Up ® welcomes Bunbury Catholic College


Zoe Barnes

Power Up ® welcomes Bunbury Catholic College
Power Up

We are excited to welcome Bunbury Catholic College, situated on a peninsular in Bunbury, Western Australia to our Power Up® program.

Power Up® is an evidence-based and multi-award-winning social and emotional learning program (SEL) developed by Quirky Kid that is now used by dozens of schools and clinics around the world.

About Bunbury Catholic College

Established in 1973, Bunbury Catholic College is a widely recognised co-educational Catholic Secondary School with over 950 students, where students based on Christian teachings are empowered to achieve their personal best and to be confident and compassionate in an ever changing world.

Bunbury Catholic College has developed educational pedagogy with the teaching philosophy of 'Visible Learning' at the forefront, where students are encouraged to learn not only the material but also how to asses their own learning as well as understanding how to set goals, articulate their knowledge and move independently through their learning stages with a particular focus on their social and emotional wellbeing.

Bunbury Catholic College encourages elite performers who have a particular interest, talent or capability in a range of disciplines including sport, academics and music to progress in their passion and flourish as an elite performer.

By adopting the Power Up® program, Bunbury Catholic College is committing to enhance each individual elite performer's social and emotional wellbeing through understanding and developing each performers needs based on improving their performance and managing the demands of competition. We are amazed by the College's passion and commitment to the development of each elite performer and cannot wait to work with their team to deliver our program.

How the Power Up® program will be implemented at Bunbury Catholic College

The Power Up® program will launch at Bunbury Catholic College in 2022 and be closely supported by our team of facilitators. Each participant will receive a copy of the exclusive workbook developed by Quirky Kid. To offer students the necessary support, facilitators and parents will have access to an extensive range of information, manuals and regular supervision as required.

To ensure appropriate evaluation, each child and group will complete psychometric testing of their social and emotional skills before and after the Power Up® program to measure the outcome of the intervention. Evaluation and monitoring is an important component of the program.

We look forward to working closely with Bunbury Catholic College in enhancing their elite performers capabilities.

We're Hiring - Apply Now

Quirky Kid continues to grow, develop and evolve. As a result, we have new positions for child psychologists and a mental health clinician (Social Worker, Occupational Therapist, Mental Health Nursing or Psychologist) who shares Quirky Kid’s passion for working with children – Together, amazing things happen.

Apply Now

Interested in offering the Power Up® program at your school?

Our social and emotional learning (SEL) program is a cost-effective and evidence-based intervention that improves elite student performers social and emotional wellbeing to improve performance and manage the demands of competition. The Power Up® program has a comprehensive implementation, evaluation and monitoring plan, and we are excited to identify partners who are equally committed to social and emotional learning.

We continue to work hard to produce innovative programs and resources that are tried, tested and loved in classrooms, clinics and lounge rooms around the globe.

Contact us or visit the program page to find out more about the Power Up® program and how it can help you meet the needs of your elite student performers.

quirky kid

Start now and implement a Quirky Kid Program at your school or clinic.

Our programs includes an interactive workbooks and concise set of engaging award-winning materials to facilitate social and emotional learning (SEL).

Power Up ® welcomes Bunbury Catholic College
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