LEGO and Quirky Kid®

A little while ago our team had the pleasure of working with LEGO. Our consultancy role involved sharing our expertise on the understanding of boy’s play behaviour - particularly in relation boy’s desire to ‘age up’ and the importance characters have in establishing a strong understanding and emotional connection with to story content.
We delivered key and strategic information based on the brief provided around elements of boys’ play behaviour, how they have changed over times and the historical perspective on play, taking into account new social trends. We also explored boys interests when growing up and how they connect and engage with cartoons, and how these relate back to their play.
LEGO was fantastic to work with and demonstrated great ethical care and guidelines, regarding child development while working with us.
Our principal child psychologist, Kimberley O’Brien, headed the research with the support of our clinical team. We regularly work with organisations like LEGO, helping them to develop better products and services for children, adolescents and families. You can see our list of existing clients on our website.

Start now and implement a Quirky Kid Program at your school or clinic.
Our programs includes an interactive workbooks and concise set of engaging award-winning materials to facilitate social and emotional learning (SEL).