
Education and Developmental Conference 2011


Leonardo Rocker


5 Mar


Educational & Developmental
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It was a pleasure to participate during the 2011 Educational & Developmental conference in Melbourne last month. A great incentive for us in attending to the conference was Professor Nancy Mather's workshop. Professor Nancy is a special education expert from the University of Arizona specializing in learning disabilities diagnosis and intervention.

Kimberley O'Brien - who also presented during the conference - and our team have enjoyed the current research findings  from colleagues around Australia.

More about our participation

Kimberley O'Brien, our principal child psychologist , presented on her PhD research topic on Social Inclusion, Self Esteem and Belonging For Students in Transition From Primary to Secondary School, that Kimberley is completing under the direction of Prof Helen Watt from Monash University.

About the conference

The Conference —Theory to Practice: Positive Development and Wellbeing, Educational and Developmental Psychology Conference 2011— is being hosted by the APS College of Educational and Developmental Psychologists to promote a broad spectrum of research in the sector from psycho-social wellbeing through to learning, literacy and numeracy. The College is committed to evidence-based practice and to promoting the best research and latest developments in the field.

What this means for our clients?

The Quirky Kid Clinic is committed to professional development to deliver current and evidence-informed intervention to all our clients.

Over the last years, we have focused on the topic of Learning Disabilities and assessments and are now better equipped  to identify and support children and families experiencing learning difficulties and disabilities.

Contact us on + 02 9362 9297 for more information about our assessments or to schedule a consultation.

Educational & Developmental

Education and Developmental Conference 2011